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The Atom component provides an interface similar to Jotai’s useAtom  hook as props, allowing declarative usage.


You can use Jotai’s atom as is.

import { Atom } from '@suspensive/jotai' import { atom } from 'jotai' const countAtom = atom(1) const Example = () => ( <Atom atom={countAtom}> {([count, setCount]) => ( <> <div>count: {count}</div> <button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>+1</button> </> )} </Atom> )

For Async Atom, it delegates the pending state of the Promise to the parent Suspense until the Promise resolves.

import { Atom } from '@suspensive/jotai' import { Suspense } from '@suspensive/react' import { atom } from 'jotai' const countAtom = atom(1) const asyncDoubleCountAtom = atom(async (get) => { await delay(2000) return get(countAtom) * 2 }) const Example = () => ( <Suspense fallback={'pending...'}> <Atom atom={asyncDoubleCountAtom}>{([count]) => <>count: {count}</>}</Atom> </Suspense> )


It’s not immediately clear from the parent component which atoms are used internally in the child components and whether they trigger Suspense.

// payment/page.tsx import { Atom } from '@suspensive/jotai' import { Suspense } from '@suspensive/react' import { UserInfo, ShoppingCart } from '~/components' const PaymentPage = () => ( <Suspense fallback={'pending...'}> {/* It's not clear whether UserInfo internally triggers Suspense with an Async Atom. */} <UserInfo /> {/* It's not clear whether ShoppingCart internally triggers Suspense with an Async Atom. */} <ShoppingCart /> </Suspense> )
// payment/components/UserInfo.tsx import { useAtomValue } from '@suspensive/jotai' import { Suspense } from '@suspensive/react' import { UserAddress } from '~/components' import { userAsyncAtom } from '~/atoms' // It's not clear from the usage of this component what Atom UserInfo uses internally and whether it triggers Suspense. const UserInfo = () => { const data = useAtomValue(userAsyncAtom) return <UserAddress {} /> }
// payment/components/ShoppingCart.tsx import { Atom } from '@suspensive/jotai' import { Suspense } from '@suspensive/react' import { shoppingCartAtom } from '~/atoms' // It's not clear from the usage of this component what Atom ShoppingCart uses internally and whether it triggers Suspense. const ShoppingCart = () => { const [data] = useAtom(shoppingCartAtom) return ( <> { => ( <ShoppingItem key={} {...item} /> ))} </> ) }
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